Links Super

Mercia has formed,  managed or audited hundred’s of SMSF’s for client’s and is one of Perth’s leading SMSF Auditors, <Email> or< Contact> us for more info.  This page provides links to useful sites that cover all aspects not just tax, as well as free advice and Q&A.  Please note our disclaimer at the bottom of the page.

What is & Why setup your own super

How to setup your own SMSF

How do I get money into my Super

What can I buy with my super money

What are the ongoing rules for my super

How is in come in my super taxed

What deductions can i claim

How do i get money out of super



Other sources of info:

The remaining links in Alphabetical order:

Links to private companies/organisations are not recommendations or referals to use these organistions, readers must make there own assessment of the qualifications, experience, ethics, integrity and quality of advice and service, please note your acceptance of our <terms of use and disclaimer>..