Links Super
Mercia has formed, managed or audited hundred’s of SMSF’s for client’s and is one of Perth’s leading SMSF Auditors, <Email> or< Contact> us for more info. This page provides links to useful sites that cover all aspects not just tax, as well as free advice and Q&A. Please note our disclaimer at the bottom of the page.
What is & Why setup your own super
How to setup your own SMSF
- What’s the cost of setting up a SMSF
- How to Setup a SMSF with us
- Documents you receive when setting up a SMSF
- Why do I need a trustee of the Super SMSF
- The Guts of the SMSF – the Deed
- What Auditor Looks for & Provides
How do I get money into my Super
- Transferring money from public offer super to your SMSF
- Employer contributions
- Personal super contributions
- Other contributions
What can I buy with my super money
What are the ongoing rules for my super
- What records must i keep
- What happens if the the trustee does something wrong
- Why do i need to get my super smsf audited
- Who should audit a smsf
- Why use a auditofsmsf auditor
- What mistakes the ato focuses on
- Tax on the contributions to my super
How is in come in my super taxed
- Normal income and tax rates
- Special income
- No tax on pension income
- Reduced tax on capital gains
- Tax free dividend income
- Other types of income
- Apportionment of investment earnings and tax across member
What deductions can i claim
How do i get money out of super
Other sources of info:
- All about Super – a link to the ATO web site
- – a website for free SMSF advice published by Mercia
- Evolvemysuper – blog – a useful Blog by a Super adviser enthusiast
- Setting up a SMSF – a link to the ATO web site….once you decide to go ahead <click here> to engage us to setup a SMSF
The remaining links in Alphabetical order:
- Associations of independent financial advisers (1) Association of Independently Owned Financial Planners – established in 1998 to differentiate the independently owned practices from the institutionally owned practices in the market place, it is an important association to give consumers choice and maintain balance (2) Boutique Financial Planning Principals Group.
- Estate Planning – this is the term often used to describe doing all those things necessary to prepare for death but can also include super!
- <House & Land Package> – can a SMSF purchase land and then build – answer yes and no depends how its done.
- Investment Strategies – need to be prepared by the trustees of the SMSF, here are some links to examples you can use (1) Example 1 (2013), (2) SLI-SMSF; (3) Law Central, or you can google for your own example.
- Lost Super – don’t loose out on what your entitled too
- Overseas employess and super
- Semi Retirement – Q&A – Can i access super while working? 10.04.11
- SMSF Association of Australia – An industry body formed to accept and regulate members that advise in the areas of SMSF’s.
- Small Independent Superannuation Funds Association – SISFA links fund trustees, the superannuation industry, authorities and the community though its regular liaison on matters such as policy, proposed legislation and rulings impacting on SMSFs
- Wills, Testamentary Trusts, Enduring Powers of Attorney, Enduring Powers of Guardianship, Advanced health Directives, <click here to instruct us to assist you AND for Guides on these Estate Planning Options>
Links to private companies/organisations are not recommendations or referals to use these organistions, readers must make there own assessment of the qualifications, experience, ethics, integrity and quality of advice and service, please note your acceptance of our <terms of use and disclaimer>..