Contractors means professional white collar and Trades blue collar persons contracting using an ABN number and often a company to contract to a principal, or a body shop, or some company.
Often you have particular skill sets and either you have chosen to operate your own company, or have been asked by the Company paying you to create a company to trade through and provide an ABN.
Contractors can also mean a company that has subcontractors and employees that contract to a principal, such as a Electrical contractor for example, these businesses we classify as a small-medium business, <click here> to read about how we help businesses.
We have many contractors ranging from engineers, project managers, computer professionals, CEO’s, non-executive directors, and more.
We help our professional clients by preparing and lodging their quarterly BAS and making sure the Pay As You Go Instalments are paid and income tax returns lodged. Often we then start providing other ways to help our clients accumulate investments and provide for their retirement through assisting with finance (through Mercia Finance) for property purchases, advice on superannuation and Insurances (through Mercia Investment Advisers) and any special tax strategies.
If your new to contracting for self as a self employed person see our checklist of steps here:
Call us on +61 8 6214 3904 for a meeting now or <click here> to contact another member of our team.