Tax Newsletters
Tax Newsletter July 2013
Medicare levy increase to fund DisabilityCare Australia
The Medicare levy has been increased by 0.5% to help fund the government’s National Disability Insurance Scheme, known as DisabilityCare Australia. This will take the Medicare levy from 1.5% to 2% of taxable income from 1 July 2014.
Under the changes implemented by the government, low income earners continue to receive relief from the Medicare levy through the low income thresholds for singles, families, seniors and pensioners. The exemptions from the Medicare levy for blind pensioners and sickness allowance recipients also remain in place.
Closing the “dividend washing” loophole
The government is seeking to close what it perceives to be a loophole allowing sophisticated investors to engage in what it calls “dividend washing”. The government says “dividend washing” is a process that allows sophisticated investors to effectively trade franking credits, and can result in some shareholders receiving two sets of franking credits for the same parcel of shares.
The government has issued a discussion paper to facilitate consultation and has proposed tax law changes to take effect from 1 July 2013. The changes would aim to prevent shareholders from receiving two sets of franking credits for the same effective parcel of shares through dividend washing, and to ensure that there would be negligible impacts on legitimate market activities.
ATO taskforce to target trust structures
In the 2013–2014 Federal Budget, the ATO was provided with $67.9 million over four years to undertake compliance activity in relation to trust structures. The taskforce will utilise intelligence systems as well as new tax return labels to gather information.
The ATO says the taskforce will not target ordinary trust arrangements or tax planning associated with genuine business or family dealings, but will focus on what it refers to as “higher-risk taxpayers”. Situations that would attract the attention of the ATO include arrangements where trusts or their beneficiaries who have received substantial income are not registered.
Superannuation income stream following death of member
The government has made tax law changes to provide tax certainty for superannuation trustees and deceased estates in situations where a person has died while in receipt of a superannuation income stream.
Investment earnings derived by complying superannuation funds from assets supporting current pensions are generally exempt from tax. However, a draft tax ruling issued by the ATO in 2011 caused some uncertainty over the eligibility of this tax exemption in situations following the death of a member to whom a pension was being paid.
In response to the uncertainty, the government last year announced that it would amend the law from 1 July 2012 to allow the tax exemption to continue following the death of the pension recipient until the deceased member’s benefits have been paid out of the fund (subject to the benefits being paid as soon as practicable).
Delivery drivers were common law employees
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) has recently affirmed tax assessments issued to a taxpayer after finding that delivery drivers hired by the taxpayer were common law “employees” and not independent contractors.
The taxpayer had contracts to deliver bakery goods to supermarkets and had engaged a number of drivers to make those deliveries. It contended that those drivers were independent contractors and were responsible for their own taxes and superannuation. However, the Tax Commissioner determined that the drivers were common law “employees” of the taxpayer.
Among other things, the Commissioner noted that the drivers did not own or lease their own vehicles, did not control or delegate any of the work, and wore uniforms (vests) identifying the taxpayer’s business name. Based on the evidence before it, the AAT was of the view that the drivers were “employees” of the taxpayer during the relevant period and held that the taxpayer had failed to withhold amounts as required under the pay-as-you-go (PAYG) withholding rules.
Losses from farming activities to be deferred
A medical doctor has been unsuccessful before the AAT in arguing that the Tax Commissioner should exercise his discretion to allow the doctor to claim non-commercial business losses of his cattle and sheep farming activities against his medical practice income.
The taxpayer had applied to the ATO for a private binding ruling, requesting that the Commissioner allow him to claim the losses from the farming activities against his medical practice income. However, the Commissioner issued a private ruling in which he refused to exercise the discretion sought. Notwithstanding the ruling, the taxpayer then lodged his 2010 tax return and claimed losses in relation to the farming business.
The AAT affirmed the Commissioner’s decision and found that the taxpayer had not discharged the onus of proving that the conditions of the relief sought had been met. Accordingly, the AAT held that the losses incurred must be deferred until those activities produce assessable income against which the deductions could be claimed.
TIP: There are rules in the tax law designed to prevent losses from a non-commercial business activity from being offset against income from other sources, unless the activity satisfies one of the commerciality tests, or the Commissioner exercises his discretion to not apply the non-commercial loss rules. However, there are strict requirements surrounding the exercise of this discretion. Note that there are specific exemptions from the non-commercial loss rules for low income primary producers and professional artists.
Also, since 1 July 2009, losses incurred by individuals with an adjusted taxable income of $250,000 or more from non-commercial business activities have been quarantined, even if they satisfy the relevant commerciality tests. The effect is that these individuals are not able to offset excess deductions from non-commercial business activities against their salary, wages or other income. Please call our office for further information.
Superannuation redeposit during GFC results in tax hit
A taxpayer, a retiree, who withdrew and re-deposited his superannuation savings during the global financial crisis has been hit with excess contributions tax of $31,620 after the AAT agreed with the Tax Commissioner that there were no “special circumstances” to disregard the excess contributions under the tax law.
After observing a significant decline in his superannuation savings in a matter of months and following the government’s announcement that it would guarantee bank deposits, the retiree withdrew his superannuation savings in early 2009 and deposited the amounts in term deposits. When the term deposits matured six months later, he re-deposited the money back into his superannuation.
In May 2012, the Tax Commissioner informed the taxpayer that he had exceeded his non-concessional contributions cap for the 2009–2010 financial year. The taxpayer argued that the imposition of excess contributions tax was “unfair” and that he had not obtained a tax advantage.
However, while noting that the taxpayer had made an unfortunate error, the AAT still ruled that there was nothing “unique” or “special” to allow the relief sought. It also considered that it was reasonably foreseeable that the re-depositing would result in excess contributions.
TIP: Managing an individual’s contributions caps for any year is a critical consideration to ensure that any tax benefits of superannuation contributions are not later reversed (and punished) via the imposition of excess contributions tax.
Given the constant tinkering with the contributions caps, extreme care is needed with the amount and precise timing of contributions.
Tax Newsletter June 2013
Cap on work-related self-education deductions
The Government has announced that it will introduce a $2,000 per-person cap on tax deduction claims for work-related self-education expenses. The cap is proposed to apply from 1 July 2014.
In making the announcement, Treasurer Swan said that without a cap, “it’s possible to make large claims for expenses such as first class airfares, 5-star accommodation and expensive courses”. However, the Treasurer said the Government “will consult with employees and employers to better target this concession while still supporting essential training”.
ATO data-matching programs
The ATO has recently announced the following new data-matching programs:
- Employers and WorkCover – the ATO will request and collect names and addresses of employers from state and territory WorkCover sources for the 2011 to 2013 financial years. It says the data will be matched to identify employers who might not be complying with their registration, lodgment and payment obligations under tax law.
- Student and temporary work visa holders – the ATO will collect details of student and temporary work visa holders between the period 1 January 2012 to 30 June 2014 from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship for the 2012, 2013 and 2014 income years. The information will be matched to identify non-compliance with tax obligations.
- Online sellers – the ATO will collect information of sellers who have made sales of $20,000 or more in the 2010–2011 income year through various online selling websites. It says records will be matched to identify non-compliance with lodgment, payment and correct reporting obligations under tax law, including undeclared income and goods and services tax (GST) obligations.
ASIC warns of property spruikers focusing on SMSFs
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has warned people to be aware of property spruikers who might be encouraging them to set up a self managed superannuation fund (SMSF) in order to gear into real property.
The warning comes with the release of ASIC’s review of financial advice provided in the SMSF sector. According to ASIC, the majority of advice reviewed was adequate. However, it noted a number of areas requiring improvement, including the need to better inform investors of the risks associated with investments.
TIP: Investors should take care when considering advertisements pushing property purchases through SMSFs. A number of key considerations, such as legal obligations, risks and alternatives, should be taken into account before making a decision to invest in property via an SMSF. Please contact our office if you have any questions.
Major superannuation reforms announced
The Government has recently made a number of important announcements affecting superannuation. A key proposal announced is that the Government will change the superannuation law to cap tax-free earnings at $100,000. That is, the tax exemption for earnings on superannuation fund assets supporting income streams will be capped at $100,000 per annum per person from 1 July 2014. A tax rate of 15% will apply to fund earnings above $100,000. According to the Government, the measure would affect around 16,000 individuals who have around $2 million in their superannuation funds and an estimated rate of return of 5%.
However, the Government confirmed that withdrawals will continue to remain tax-free for those aged 60 years and over. Presumably, the proposals will be subject to public consultation before implementation.
“Holiday home” included in tax concession test
A taxpayer company has been unsuccessful before the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) in a claim to secure the capital gains tax (CGT) concessions for small businesses.
In this case, the AAT affirmed the Commissioner’s decision that the taxpayer did not satisfy the “maximum net asset value” test for the purposes of qualifying for the concessions. The AAT found that the individual who controlled the company could not exclude from the test his interest in a Queensland property, which he claimed was used for “personal use and enjoyment”.
TIP: The small business CGT concessions are intended to offer small business taxpayers a range of unique tax concessions. However, despite being targeted towards taxpayers who typically have less complicated affairs, the rules are riddled with complexities that may not appear obvious at first glance.
Each concession has its own particular rules. However, there are two basic conditions for the relief – either the taxpayer is a small business entity (SBE) or is a partner of a partnership that is an SBE, or the taxpayer satisfies the maximum net asset value test. If you have any questions, please contact our office.
Small business benchmarks catch out florist
The AAT has recently dismissed an appeal by a florist against the Tax Commissioner’s decision to issue income tax and GST assessments following an ATO audit of her florist business.
The taxpayer had reported that the cost of goods sold in her business represented 83% of her reported business income. The ATO had selected the taxpayer for audit because this figure was outside what it considered to be the industry benchmark range of between 44% and 54%.
In this case, the taxpayer was unable, due to a lack of evidence, to prove to the AAT that the assessments were excessive.
TIP: The Tax Commissioner has warned that businesses operating outside the relevant benchmarks could be subject to ATO review and/or audit, and where the businesses do not have adequate records to substantiate their performance, the ATO will make a default assessment using the appropriate small business benchmark.
Businesses may want to consider reviewing their record-keeping practices and assess whether they are at risk of an audit. Please contact our office for further information.
FBT rates and thresholds 2013–2014
The ATO has announced important fringe benefits tax (FBT) rates and thresholds for the 2013–2014 FBT year that commenced on 1 April 2013. Some of the key rates and thresholds include the following:
- The benchmark interest rate is 6.45% per annum. (It was 7.40% per annum for the 2012–2013 FBT year.)
- The record-keeping exemption threshold is $7,779. (It was $7,642 for the 2012–2013 FBT year.)
GST tax invoice information requirements
The ATO has released a Ruling setting out the minimum information requirements for a tax invoice under the GST law. The Ruling also explains the circumstances in which it is not necessary for the supplier to give a tax invoice, and the circumstances in which an input tax credit is attributable to a tax period without the recipient being required to hold a tax invoice for a creditable acquisition.
However, the Ruling states that the recipient must have records to explain its entitlement to an input tax credit for a creditable acquisition.
TIP: In certain situations, it may be difficult to ascertain whether a document is a “tax invoice” that complies with the requirements of the GST law. For example, a “quote” given by a professional or tradesperson to a single recipient would generally not qualify as a “tax invoice”.
However, the Tax Commissioner has made a determination to waive the tax invoice requirement to cover particular situations such as “offer documents and renewal offers”. Please contact our office for further information.
Tax Newsletter May 2013
Tax planning
There are many ways in which taxpayers can take advantage of tax planning initiatives to manage their taxable incomes. In order to maximise these opportunities, taxpayers need to start the year-end tax planning process early. Of course, when undertaking tax planning, taxpayers should be cognisant of the potential application of anti-avoidance provisions. However, if done correctly, tax planning can provide possible tax savings.
Deferring income
Income received in advance of services to be provided will generally not be assessable until the services are provided.
- Taxpayers who provide professional services may consider, in consultation with their clients, rendering accounts after 30 June to defer the income.
- A taxpayer is required to calculate the balancing adjustment amount resulting from the disposal of a depreciating asset. If the disposal of an asset will result in assessable income, a taxpayer may want to consider postponing the disposal to the following income year.
- Consider whether the criteria for classification as a small business entity are satisfied to access various tax concessions such as the simpler depreciation rules and the simpler trading stock rules.
- Individuals operating personal services businesses should ensure that they satisfy the relevant test to be excluded from the personal services income regime, or seek a determination from the Commissioner.
Maximising deductions
Business taxpayers
- Debtors should be reviewed prior to 30 June to identify and to write off any bad debts.
- A deduction may be available on the disposal of a depreciating asset if a taxpayer stops using it and expects never to use it again. Therefore, asset registers may need to be reviewed for any assets that fit this category.
- Review trading stock for obsolete stock for which a deduction is available.
- Non-business taxpayers
- A deduction for personal superannuation contribution is available where the 10% rule is satisfied.
- Assets costing $300 or less may qualify for an immediate deduction, subject to certain conditions.
- Outgoings incurred for managed investment schemes may be deductible.
- Companies should ensure that all dividends paid to shareholders during the relevant franking period (generally the income year) are franked to the same extent to avoid breaching the benchmark rule.
- Loans, payments and debts forgiven by private companies to their shareholders or associates may give rise to unfranked dividends that are assessable to the shareholders or associates. Shareholders and entities should consider repaying loans and payments on time or have appropriate loan agreements in place.
- Companies should consider whether they have undertaken eligible research and development (R&D) activities that may be eligible for the R&D tax incentive.
- Companies may want to consider consolidating for tax purposes prior to year-end in order to reduce compliance costs and take advantage of tax opportunities available as a result of the consolidated group being treated as a single entity for tax purposes.
- Companies should carefully consider whether any deductions are available for any carry forward tax losses, including analysing the continuity of ownership and same business tests.
- Taxpayers should review trust deeds to determine how trust income is defined. This may have an impact on the trustee’s tax planning.
- Trustees should consider whether a family trust election (FTE) is required to ensure any losses or bad debts incurred by the company will be deductible and to ensure that franking credits will be available to beneficiaries.
- If a trust has an unpaid present entitlement to a corporate beneficiary, consideration should be given to paying out the entitlement by the earlier of the due date for the lodgment of the trust’s income tax return for the year and the actual lodgment date, in order to avoid possible tax implications.
- Avoid retaining income in a trust because the income may be taxed at 46.5%.
Capital gains tax
- A taxpayer may consider crystallising any unrealised capital gains and losses in order to improve their overall tax position for an income year.
- Eligible small business entities can access a range of concessions for a capital gain made on a CGT asset that has been used in a business, provided certain conditions are met.
- The ATO has reminded taxpayers to consider the superannuation contributions caps and the timing of when contributions are made when planning their tax affairs, in order to avoid excess contributions tax.
- Eligible individuals who breach the concessional contributions cap by up to $10,000 will be given a once-only option for the excess contributions to be refunded without penalty.
- A member of an accumulation fund (or whose benefits include an accumulation interest in a defined benefit fund) may be able to split with their spouse superannuation contributions.
- A tax offset of up to $540 is available for a resident taxpayer in respect of eligible contributions made by the taxpayer to a complying superannuation fund or a retirement savings account for the purpose of providing superannuation benefits for the taxpayer’s low-income or non-working resident spouse (including a de facto spouse).
- Taxpayers aged 50 years or over should review their transition to retirement pensions and salary-sacrificing arrangements to take into account the reduction in the concessional cap from $50,000 to $25,000 for 2012–2013 and 2013–2014. However, note that the Government proposes to increase the concessional contributions cap to $35,000 for seniors.
- For eligible individuals, a government low income superannuation contribution of up to $500 will be available.
Fringe benefits tax
- The living-away-from-home (LAFH) rules have been significantly overhauled. While the rules remain in the FBT regime, there is an increased requirement to ensure LAFH payments are properly tracked, categorised and substantiated.
- The four rates used in the statutory formula method for determining the taxable value of car fringe benefits are being replaced with a single statutory rate of 20%. Taxpayers should review contracts for changes to a ”pre-existing commitment”.
- The Government has proposed amending the FBT law to remove the concessional FBT treatment for in-house fringe benefits accessed by way of salary-packaging arrangements.
- Individuals
- For 2012–2013 and later income years, the dependent spouse tax offset will only be available to those born on or before 1 July 1952.
- The Government has announced that it will remove the 50% CGT discount for foreign residents on capital gains accrued after 7.30pm (AEST) on 8 May 2012. However, the CGT discount will remain available for capital gains that accrued prior to this time where foreign residents choose to obtain a market valuation of assets as at 8 May 2012.
Tax Newsletter April 2013
No more CGT discount for non-residents
The Government has issued for comment draft legislation proposing to implement its 2012 Budget announcement that it will remove the capital gains tax (CGT) discount for non-resident individuals on taxable Australian property, such as residential and commercial real estate and mining assets.
Under the current law, individual taxpayers are generally entitled to a 50% discount on capital gains made from assets they have held for at least 12 months, regardless of the individual’s residency status. The proposed changes will introduce new residency requirements.
Under the changes, non-residents will still be entitled to a discount on capital gains that accrued prior to 9 May 2012 (ie, the day after the Government’s announcement), provided they obtain a market valuation of the asset as at 8 May 2012.
Note that, if implemented, the changes will apply to affected individuals irrespective of whether the gain resulted from an asset owned by the individual or was a gain from an asset held by a trust and attributed to the individual.
In summary, the effect of the measure will be to:
- retain the full CGT discount for discount capital gains of foreign resident individuals to the extent that the increase in value of the CGT asset occurred prior to 9 May 2012;
- remove the CGT discount for discount capital gains of foreign and temporary resident individuals that accrued after 8 May 2012; and
- apportion the CGT discount for discount capital gains where an individual has been an Australian resident and a foreign or temporary resident during the period after 8 May 2012. The discount percentage will be apportioned to ensure the full 50% discount is applied to periods where the individual was an Australian resident.
Tax certainty for beneficiaries of superannuation death benefits
The Government has released draft regulations that propose to give effect to an earlier announcement made in October 2012 that it will provide certainty to the beneficiaries of superannuation death benefits. The changes will allow the tax exemption for earnings on assets supporting superannuation income streams to continue following the death of a fund member who was in the pension phase until the deceased member’s benefits have been paid out of the fund. If implemented, the changes will apply from 1 July 2012.
The proposed changes appear to be a response to industry concern with the Tax Commissioner’s draft ruling on superannuation income streams issued in a 2011. In that draft ruling, the Commissioner took the position that a superannuation income stream ceases as soon as the member in receipt of the income stream dies, unless a dependent beneficiary of the deceased is automatically entitled to receive an income stream.
According to the Commissioner’s preliminary view, tax would generally apply to a fund’s investment earnings, including realised capital gains, following the death of a pension member. However, the proposed new regulations will ensure that this is not the case.
Disposal date critical for CGT small business concessions
In a recent decision, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) decided that a taxpayer’s interest in a business was disposed of when a “heads of agreement was executed”, and not when the formal contract of sale was executed.
An agent had testified that it was long-standing practice in the industry for an intending purchaser and vendor to enter into an “in-confidence” period of exclusivity during which the intending purchaser would use professional advisers to carry out due diligence.
Despite evidence suggesting that the industry did not regard the heads of agreement as a binding contract, the AAT was of the view that the parties to the heads of agreement had agreed to the sale and purchase of the business in question. As a result, as it was found that it was the date of the heads of agreement that was the applicable date of the transaction for CGT purposes.
As a result, the taxpayer was not entitled to access the CGT small business concessions because he did not satisfy the relevant test for the concessions just before that date.
Car expenses – Rates per kilometre for 2012–2013
The Government has announced the “cents per kilometre” rates for calculating tax deductions for car expenses for the 2012–2013 income year. Note that they are unchanged from 2011–2012 and are as follows:
- Small car (non-rotary engine up to 1600cc, or rotary engine up to 800cc): 63c/km.
- Medium car (non-rotary engine 1601–2600cc, or rotary engine 801–1300cc): 74c/km.
- Large car (non-rotary engine 2601cc and above, or rotary engine 1300cc and above): 75c/km.
LAFHA reasonable amounts for food and drink 2013
With the changes to the living-away-from-home rules (effective from 1 October 2012) affecting employees who are required by their employers to live away from home for work, greater care needs to be taken in assessing the fringe benefits tax (FBT) implications of living-away-from-home allowances (LAFHAs). With a narrower scope for eligibility for concessional treatment and increased substantiation requirements, the level of risk is greater.
The Commissioner has recently determined the amounts that he considers reasonable for food and drink expenses incurred by employees receiving a LAFHA fringe benefit for the FBT year commencing on 1 April 2013. Broadly, if an employee’s food or drink expenses exceed the amount the Commissioner considers reasonable, the employee will have to substantiate all the expenses incurred, or the employer will be liable to FBT on the amount of LAFHA paid to the employee that is in excess of the reasonable amount.
TIP: The new rules will require careful consideration when planning for and preparing the 2013 FBT return – this may include identifying whether the transitional rules apply, obtaining evidence if substantiation is required, and checking contracts to see if food and drink is clearly identified. Where food and drink is greater than the ATO reasonable amounts, future restructuring should be contemplated. Please contact our office for further information.
Tax anti-avoidance law to be amended
In response to a number of high profile cases lost by the Tax Commissioner, the Government has introduced legislation into Parliament that proposes to ensure the effective operation of the income tax general anti-avoidance law. In those cases, the taxpayers successfully argued that the income tax general anti-avoidance law did not apply as tax was a legitimate consideration in commercial decision-making, and where the tax cost of a transaction was considerable the taxpayer would have done nothing. The changes, once enacted, will apply retrospectively from 16 November 2012.
The changes aim, among other things, to rectify what the Government considers to be perceived weaknesses in the “tax benefit” concept, which have reduced the effectiveness of the law in countering tax avoidance arrangements. Broadly, the amended law will continue to apply where a taxpayer enters into a scheme with a sole or dominant purpose of obtaining a tax benefit. However, in considering alternative postulates (ie what the taxpayers might otherwise have done), tax costs will be disregarded under the amended law.
Consequently, it will be necessary to compare the scheme entered into with other ways of achieving the same commercial outcome, regardless of the tax cost. Eliminating the defence that the taxpayer would otherwise have done nothing will broaden the potential application of the rules significantly.
Tax Newsletter – March 2013
No splitting of rental income for couple
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) has refused a husband’s argument that he could split his rental income with his (now estranged) wife even though the commercial property was registered under his name only.
The taxpayer had lodged tax returns on the basis that the property was shared equally between him and his wife. However, the Commissioner formed the view that as the property was in the husband’s name only, the rental income from that property belonged to him alone.
The husband claimed that the property was an asset of a “tax law partnership” between him and his wife. He also argued that the property was a “joint marital asset” held by them on a 50/50 basis, that the property was purchased from joint marital funds, and that both he and his wife each applied the income from the property for their own use.
However, the AAT was not satisfied with the evidence presented before it. It noted the absence of the wife from giving evidence, as well as a lack of written documentation, to prove there was a partnership. The AAT found that there was no evidence to show that the property was “jointly owned” or that the couple was in receipt of income jointly.
Winery losses cannot offset other income
A taxpayer has been unsuccessful before the AAT in seeking a discretion under the tax law to allow her to offset losses from a winery business against her other income.
The taxpayer had sought for the discretion to cover the income years ending 30 June 2010 to 30 June 2018. She argued, among other things, that it was acceptable commercial practice in the winery business to stagger the plantation of vines over such a period.
However, the AAT sided with the Commissioner and held that the vines could be planted and become productive within five years. It therefore held that the taxpayer was unable to satisfy the relevant test for the discretion.
TIP: Under the tax law, an individual conducting a business (either alone or in a partnership) may offset losses from the business against income from other sources, such as wages, but only if certain tests are met.
If the individual does not meet any of the tests, the individual may seek the Tax Commissioner’s discretion to allow him or her to claim the loss. Note that there are exceptions for primary producers and artists under the rules. Please contact our office if you have any questions.
Property developers denied GST margin scheme
The AAT has affirmed GST assessments levied at two property developers associated with the sale of real property between 2008 and 2009. The taxpayers had purchased property, which was eventually subdivided and on-sold. The taxpayers said they “never had an intention of not including GST in returns or defrauding the Commissioner” and that “they wanted their returns to be correct”.
However, the AAT affirmed the Commissioner’s assessments. It also decided that the margin scheme could not apply in the circumstances as there was no agreement in writing between the vendor and purchaser that the margin scheme was to apply to the property transaction.
TIP: The use of the margin scheme can provide a lower GST cost to the supplier than would normally be the case under the general GST rules. However, in addition to meeting various eligibility requirements, there must be an agreement in writing between the supplier and recipient that the margin scheme is to apply. Please contact our office for further information.
Superannuation top-up brings on 93% tax
The AAT has affirmed an individual’s excess superannuation contributions tax liability. On 27 June 2008, the individual’s employer made a “top-up” superannuation contribution to a clearing account. However, the funds were not allocated to the individual’s superannuation account until 23 July 2008.
The AAT considered that the payment could not be said to have been “made” in the 2008 income year. This resulted in a $69,665 excess superannuation contributions tax liability for the individual, representing an effective tax rate of 93%!
The AAT also decided that there were no “special circumstances” in this case to warrant the Commissioner’s discretion under the tax law to reallocate the amount to the 2008 year. The AAT said that the imposition of a tax under the tax laws – even a large tax such as the effective 93% tax rate in this case – is not in itself “special circumstances”. There must be some “special circumstances” that exist beyond that in order to warrant the Commissioner’s discretion.
TIP: This case highlights the importance of managing the timing of all concessional contributions against an individual’s contribution caps for each financial year.
As if this was not challenging enough, the concessional contributions cap has been frozen at $25,000 for 2012–2013 and 2013–2014, regardless of age. This unfortunately sets a trap for the unwary that could generate unexpected tax liabilities if contributions intended for June in a particular financial year are not “received” by the fund until July in the following financial year.
GST and residential premises
The ATO has issued a suite of rulings on:
- how GST applies to supplies of residential premises;
- how GST applies to supplies of commercial residential premises and supplies of accommodation in commercial residential premises; and
- how GST applies to supplies of long-term accommodation in commercial residential premises.
In-house fringe benefits – rule changes on the way
The Government has recently said that the existing fringe benefits tax (FBT) concessions in the law were not intended to allow employees to purchase goods and services (usually sold by the employer to the public) from their pre-tax income through salary packaging arrangements. According to the Government, these employees are receiving tax-free, non-cash remuneration benefits for goods and services, while other employees who do not have access to such salary packaging arrangements must pay for the goods and services from their after-tax income.
The Government has introduced a Bill into Parliament in order to deal with this issue. It proposes to remove the concessional treatment for such “in-house fringe benefits” accessed by way of a salary packaging arrangement.
If implemented, the changes will apply to all salary-sacrifice arrangements entered into on or after 22 October 2012. For pre-existing arrangements, the new measures will not apply until 1 April 2014 – but the renewal of, or changes to, an arrangement will trigger the new provisions.
TIP: This proposed change means that employees will lose their ability to pay for in-house benefits with pre-tax salary without their employer incurring FBT.
However, it is essential to note that the concessional treatment of in-house benefits will be retained where the benefits are not provided via salary sacrifice. If you have any questions, please contact our office.
Goods taken from private stock
The ATO has updated the amounts the Commissioner will accept for 2012–2013 as estimates of the value of goods taken from trading stock for private use by taxpayers in certain specified industries.
For example, for a restaurant/cafe (licensed), the Commissioner will accept $4,350 (excluding GST) for each adult or child over 16 years of age. Note that the ATO intends to adjust the values annually.