Property Investment

Property Newsletter August 2011

There is a lot happening in the Perth property market that all investors should be aware of so I thought it would be an opportune time to let you know exactly what is happening and how you may be affected.

Prices – rising, falling or some of both?

It’s very easy to get caught up in a “one size fits all” approach to property investing. A lot of the headlines you see in newspapers and on television reflect what is happening nationally. The Australian property market is really a collection of thousands of sub markets across the country. While some of the major cities are suffering an inevitable slowdown after periods of solid growth (e.g. Melbourne), other cities, such as Perth are moving into an upturn as the mining boom Mark 2 takes off.

Even within a city there are varying submarkets. In Perth for example, you may hear that the market is oversupplied. That is generally true in some areas. We see that the outer fringes are still significantly oversupplied with excess stock built in the last boom, meaning prices have dropped or have stagnated for a long period of time. At the same time, in the areas we have identified for strong growth over the next few years, we have seen more competition for properties, meaning prices are still holding, and we expect them to rise first as we enter the next market upturn.

Where is the market heading in the next 12 months?

The Perth property market has historically lagged behind the major cities on the east coast by a few years. In 2001 – 2003 Sydney and Melbourne boomed while Perth grew at much lower rates. Once the boom in those cities ended, investors turned their attention to the Perth property market and Perth had a property boom from 2004 – 2007. Since 2007, the Perth market has been generally flat on average, whereas Sydney has performed well and Melbourne has had substantial growth. Both of those markets are now cooling.

We expect the trend to continue and see Perth as the outperformer while other cities have their slowdown. While we won’t see any significant headline capital growth in the market as a whole due to the oversupply in some areas, we will see good quality properties in great locations return some reasonable capital growth over the next 12 months.

Where is the market heading in the next 3 to 10 years?

The outlook for Perth is very strong over the next 3 to 10 years. With the strong growth in the resources market, meaning more jobs and more income, it is inevitable that Perth property prices will be strong. Recently, other respected economic forecasters have predicted the Perth property market will generate the highest capital growth over the next 3 years and 10 years also.

Is obtaining finance becoming easier?

There is no doubt that finance is harder to obtain than it was in the periods before the GFC. Many lenders tightened their lending criteria once the GFC hit and the introduction of responsible lending and National Consumer Credit laws has seen further changes. However in recent months, lenders have begun to loosen up and credit is definitely easier to obtain than it was two years ago, albeit not anywhere near as easy as it was before the GFC.

The tightening of credit may have impacted some borrowers, however for the vast majority, finance is still readily available.  The restriction on credit in a counter-intuitive way has actually been a benefit to property investors. While it has restricted some investors purchasing property, by far the greater impact has been on property developers. Significant levels of presales are now required and this has meant that new stock is harder to bring to market. This has restricted the supply of properties, meaning that any excess supply will be soaked up more quickly. It also means that when the excess supply is taken up, that new supply will not be readily available, causing a rise in prices.

Rents are on the way up!

The last boom in Perth from 2004 – 2007 was not only a boom in property prices, but also a boom in rental prices. Rental prices have not moved significantly over the last few years. The vacancy rate was approximately 1% in 2007 before increasing to as high as 4.7% in 2010. Over the last 12 months the rental vacancy rate has declined significantly to be just over 3%. A balanced market is considered to be around a 3% vacancy rate, so we are seeing a return to a normal market. Just as the supply of properties for sale varies significantly by suburb, so does the vacancy rates per suburb. Our analysis indicates that some suburbs in Perth have vacancy rates of around 1% whereas others have vacancy rates as high as 9%.

Consequently we are seeing rental growth in a number of the suburbs where we manage property. The ability to increase rents is still selective and tenants are price sensitive, but we do expect the next few years to see rental returns increasing, which is great news for property investors.

Market Summary

After a period of underperformance, it certainly looks like a very promising period ahead for the Perth property market. With over $200 billion dollars of resource investment in Western Australia either in construction or planned, there will be significant flow on effects to the rest of the economy and hence property prices. We expect Perth to be the outperforming market over the next 1, 3 and 10 years in Australia, as the mining boom Mark 2 gets into full swing.

If you are seriously looking to build wealth through property then I suggest you contact me as soon as possible. By the time you read in the paper or hear on the news that the Perth market has returned to strong growth, you will have missed a reasonable amount of the market upturn and subsequent capital growth. We are already seeing savvy investors adding to their portfolios as they see the upturn coming, and some smart first time investors also taking advantage of the opportunities in the market.

This Newsletter has been kindly provided by, if you would like to discuss any  matters arising from this newsletter or are interested in property investment or development, then call Mark Casey, a client of Mercia, on or call  Momentum Wealth  on 9221 6399.

Property Newsletter July 2011

Weekly Property Pulse Professional Edition

This week’s edition covers:

Industry Market Wrap
Regional markets feeling the pinch
Population growth back at 2005 levels
Wayville office building sold

Industry Market Wrap

The Reserve Bank (RBA) released the minutes of their monthly board meeting for June at which they decided to keep official interest rates unchanged at 4.75%. The most relative insights for the property sector were: ‘Households had continued to be cautious in their spending and borrowing behaviour. With household income growth strong in the March quarter and consumption increasing more moderately, the household saving ratio was estimated to have risen. Members observed that the saving ratio was now back to levels seen in the mid 1980s and that the increase from earlier unsustainably low levels was a positive development. Consistent with ongoing consumer caution, the housing market had remained soft. Average dwelling prices had fallen modestly so far in 2011, with the weakness mostly in more expensive suburbs and in cities (notably Perth and Brisbane) that had seen a faster run-up in housing prices in earlier years. Housing credit growth had slowed and housing loan approvals had fallen in the first three months of the year, although preliminary numbers for April showed an increase.’

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Regional markets feeling the pinch

Following on from last week’s Pulse where we analysed where capital city housing markets had recorded price declines from their peak, this week we take a look at regional markets.

Regional property markets have, for the most part, been recording much lower levels of capital gains than capital city markets since late 2007 as the GFC began to impact the global economy. According to the RP Data-Rismark Home Value Index results for April 2011, the housing markets outside of the capital cities have recorded a 1.8% fall in house values during the year to April 2011.

Largest declines

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Population growth back at 2005 levels
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released the quarterly Demographic Statistics update for December 2010 this week which tracks changes in population. Over the 12 months to December 2010, Australia’s population increased by 1.5 percent, its slowest rate of population growth since the 12 months to December 2005. Despite the lower rate of growth, Australia’s population still increased by more than 325,000 persons over the 12 months. Although the number is well below the 467,000 new residents over the 12 months to December 2008, it is still strong number nonetheless (running 2.3% above the decade average).

Population Growth

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Wayville office building sold

An office building in Wayville, South Australia has been sold with vacant possession by agents of Colliers International.

The property at 45 Greenhill Road, Wayville, was purchased by a private group.The property at 45 Greenhill Road, Wayville, was purchased by a private group.

Colliers International agents, Ian Thomas and Alistair Mackie, marketed the property, which achieved a final selling price of $4.61 million.

Located on the southern side of Greenhill Road, the two-storey commercial office building of approximately 1275 sqm is situated on a site of approximately 1486 sqm with lower ground and undercroft parking for 52 cars.

“45 Greenhill Road is one of the more prominent buildings in Adelaide’s Fringe precinct and provided an opportunity for investors and owner occupiers to capitalise on the low vacancy rate and one of Australia’s best performing office precincts,” said Mr Thomas.

“Historically very few Fringe investment opportunities come to the market; it is tightly held and as a precinct consistently performs above its weight with good rental and capital growth.

“The enquiry level received during the campaign was strong and we spoke with a number of buyers who have been waiting for an opportunity such as this to be released.”

Stay up-to-date with the latest commercial property news all in one place. Subscribe to the Australian Property Review, powered by RP Data for only $1.90 a week and receive a weekly newsletter that includes Auction Results, Deals of the Week, Retail News, Leasing Deals and an Industry Market Update. Click here to find out more information.

Property Newsletter May 2011

Weekly Property Pulse Professional Edition

This week’s edition covers:

Industry Market Wrap
International recognition for CommBank’s RP Data-powered iPhone app
Where are rents rising and falling?
Housing remains in the too hard basket at budget time
Vacant Crows Nest building sold at auction

Industry Market Wrap
The Federal Budget was supposed to be the most important economic report released this week however, from a property market perspective it delivered very little. The only points of note affecting the housing market were: the skilled migration target has been revised upwards to 185,000 (from 168,700 the year before) and mostly focused on regional areas where workers are desperately required, $6 billion allocated to a regional infrastructure fund – most of this will be directed towards projects in Queensland and Western Australia to support the resources sector, and the ‘Housing and Community Amenities’ provision in the budget has been cut by $1.1b reflecting the conclusion of the housing initiatives introduced as part of the Government’s response to the global financial crisis. Perhaps most notable is that there was no mention of changes to tax implications for property investors, specifically negative gearing and there was no plan to address housing affordability.
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International recognition for CommBank’s RP Data-powered iPhone app
Congratulations to the Commonwealth Bank, whose CommBank Property Guide iPhone app has impressed the judges at the Festival of Media Awards in Switzerland.

Faced with stiff competition, the RP Data-powered iPhone app brought home the “Best Use of Mobile” award for the innovative use of the mobile channel to reach and engage consumers.

Congratulations again to everyone involved, and RP Data looks forward to working with the Commonwealth Bank to further improve the app.

Download the CommBank Property Guide iPhone app

Where are rents rising and falling?
Recent evidence suggests that rents are starting to increase as capital gains fade and slip into negative. As always, there are winners and losers and this week’s Property Pulse looks at the best and worst performing markets for rental growth.

The latest results from the RP Data – Rismark Home Value Indices show that over the 12 months to March 2011 capital city rental rates have increased by 2.9% which is well below average. However, over the last quarter, capital city rents have increased by a much larger 4.8%. The view that rents are starting to increase is supported by the most recent CPI data from the ABS which suggests that rents have increased by 1.3% during the first quarter of 2011.

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Housing remains in the too hard basket at budget time
Once again, some of the key issues affecting virtually every Australian have not been addressed in the Federal Budget. Housing supply, and associated with that, housing affordability has again flown under the budget radar. Is it simply that politicians don’t know how to deal with the issues of land undersupply or is that they don’t have the ability?
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Vacant Crows Nest building sold at auction
A showroom and office building in Crows Nest, New South Wales, has been sold at auction with vacant possession by agents of Hartigan Bolt.

The property at 477 Pacific Highway, Crows Nest, is the former home of Essential Ingredient, which has relocated to Rozelle.

Hartigan Bolt agent, Chris Hartigan, marketed the property, which achieved a final selling price at auction of $2.2 million.

The 613 sqm property with 17 car parking spaces comprises showroom and storage facilities on the ground floor and office spaces on the upper floor.

According to Cityscope, the property is situated on a 518 sqm site with Mixed Use zoning, and was last bought in July 1987 for $2 million.

Stay up-to-date with the latest commercial property news all in one place. Subscribe to theAustralian Property Review, powered by RP Data for only $1.90 a week and receive a weekly newsletter that includes Auction Results, Deals of the Week, Retail News, Leasing Deals and an Industry Market Update. Click here to find out more information.

Property Investment April 2011

Weekly Property Pulse Professional Edition

This week’s edition covers:
Building Act set for Change in WALatest RP Data-Rismark Indices released
Industry Market Wrap
Have you tried RP Professional yet?
What happens when Australian property values correct?
New residents flock to Melbourne’s urban fringe
Post auction competition in South Melbourne 

WA’s building and construction industry is bracing for two of its biggest changes in decades, with the imminent introduction of new procedures that will fast-track the development approval process and the issue of building licenses.

The new Building Act due later this year and Development Assessment Panels, which are likely to be in place by July, will allow builders and developers to bypass local government authorities for some approvals that have previously involved lengthy delays.

When it comes into effect, a key change in the Building Act will allow builders and developers to have plans certified by a private building surveyor and then lodged with a local government authority which can issue a building license in 14 days. Development Assessment Panels will remove a council’s authority over larger development applications and are expected to dramatically cut waiting times for planning decisions. 

While the Building Act is still before Parliament, the property council expects the Building Commission to have the private certification framework in place and ready to start in October.

Scott Roberts, a technical director at construction consultants Davis Langdon, said the Building Act means a qualified, registered building surveyor would be able to certify a set of building plans met the building code requirements and would provide the same level of safety and amenity to the community as the public sector approval process.

“Once lodged, the council would have 14 days to issue the building license and that’s where we see the value to the industry in terms of a cost saving and a more efficient process because the council is not having to do its own assessment and possible negotiation,” Mr Roberts said.

By MARISSA LAGUE, The West Australian April 6, 2011, 5:30 am

Latest RP Data-Rismark Indices released 
February’s RP Data-Rismark Hedonic Home Value Index result (0.0 per cent s.a.) suggests that Aussie home values continue to tread water despite robust household income growth. There was little revision to RP Data-Rismark’s January estimates.After a natural disaster-affected January (-1.5 per cent seasonally-adjusted or -0.7 per cent raw), RP Data-Rismark’s Hedonic Index reports that Australian home values held ground during the month of February.
Read the full RP Data-Rismark Hedonic Home Value Index
Industry Market Wrap 
The RP Data-Rismark Home Value Index was released this week and it showed that during February capital city home value growth was flat however, over the three months to February 2011 values fell by -1.3%. Capital city home values are now well and truly growing at a rate below inflation, increasing by just 0.8% over the year. The slowdown in the residential property market is being hardest felt within the premium sector. Across the major capital cities, dwelling values across the most expensive 20% of suburbs has fallen by -2.2% over the last year meanwhile, the broad ‘middle market’ represented by the middle 60% of suburbs has recorded value growth of 1.2% during the year and the most affordable 20% of suburbs have recorded value growth of 2.9%.
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Have you tried RP Professional yet? 
RP Professional isn’t just the best method available for accessing RP Data’s leading property systems; it’s the most advanced tool around when it comes to listing, selling and marketing property. Are you ready to see the improvement RP Professional can make to the running of your business?
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 What happens when Australian property values correct?
Australian residential housing prices and their direction is a hotly debated topic both locally and overseas. In this week’s Property Pulse we take a look at some key examples where distinct phases of capital gain have been followed by a correction.Debate has always been heated surrounding whether or not property prices will grow, fall, flat-line or do anything else. The interest in real estate markets should come as no surprise considering the value of Australian housing (more than $4 trillion) is more than double the value of the Australian share market. Our strong belief is that a collapse in Australian home values is unlikely but the rate of capital appreciation recorded during recent years is unlikely to be repeated for some time.
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New residents flock to Melbourne’s urban fringe
Yesterday the Australian Bureau of Statistics released their annual ‘Regional Population Growth’ figures – a set of data that provides estimates of population growth for a range of smaller geographic areas than what is available in the regular quarterly updates. The data is released for the most common Australian Standard Geographic (ASGC) regions including statistical divisions, statistical subdivisions, statistical local areas and local government areas. The estimates provide an interesting and much more granular insight into where Australia’s population flow is being housed and hence where is the greatest demand for housing and infrastructure development being felt.
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Post auction competition in South Melbourne
An office and warehouse building in South Melbourne, Victoria, has been sold post-auction by agents of ICR Property Group and Little Commercial with vacant possession.The property at 71-73 Thistlethwaite Street, South Melbourne, is understood to have attracted attention from three buyers even after passing in at auction.ICR Property Group agent, Raff De Luise, and Little Commercial agent, Stephen Speck, marketed the property, which achieved a final selling price of $2.301 million after passing in at auction for $2 million.The post-auction negotiation for the 1000 sqm office and warehouse on a 766 sqm site, zoned Industrial 1, was described by the agents as an ‘auction after the auction’.“This is typical of today’s buyer at auction; on the one hand reluctant to make the first bid, and on the other, fighting to secure the property afterwards,” said Mr De Luise.@font-face { font-family: Helvetica; } @font-face { font-family: Cambria Math; } @font-face { font-family: Calibri; } @page Section1 {size: 612.0pt 792.0pt; margin: 72.0pt 72.0pt 72.0pt 72.0pt; mso-header-margin: 36.0pt; mso-footer-margin: 36.0pt; mso-paper-source: 0; } P.MsoNormal { LINE-HEIGHT: 115%; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: “Calibri”,”sans-serif”; FONT-SIZE: 11pt; mso-style-unhide: no; mso-style-qformat: yes; mso-style-parent: “”; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-ascii-font-family: Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family: Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: “Times New Roman”; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi } LI.MsoNormal { LINE-HEIGHT: 115%; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: “Calibri”,”sans-serif”; FONT-SIZE: 11pt; mso-style-unhide: no; mso-style-qformat: yes; mso-style-parent: “”; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-ascii-font-family: Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family: Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: “Times New Roman”; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi } DIV.MsoNormal { LINE-HEIGHT: 115%; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: “Calibri”,”sans-serif”; FONT-SIZE: 11pt; mso-style-unhide: no; mso-style-qformat: yes; mso-style-parent: “”; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-ascii-font-family: Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family: Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: “Times New Roman”; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi } A:link { COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline; mso-style-priority: 99; text-underline: single } SPAN.MsoHyperlink { COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline; mso-style-priority: 99; text-underline: single } A:visited { COLOR: purple; TEXT-DECORATION: underline; mso-style-priority: 99; text-underline: single; mso-style-noshow: yes; mso-themecolor: followedhyperlink } SPAN.MsoHyperlinkFollowed { COLOR: purple; TEXT-DECORATION: underline; mso-style-priority: 99; text-underline: single; mso-style-noshow: yes; mso-themecolor: followedhyperlink } .MsoChpDefault { FONT-SIZE: 10pt; mso-style-type: export-only; mso-default-props: yes; mso-ansi-font-size: 10.0pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt } DIV.Section1 { page: Section1 } TABLE.MsoNormalTable { FONT-FAMILY: “Calibri”,”sans-serif”; FONT-SIZE: 11pt; mso-style-qformat: yes; mso-style-parent: “”; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-ascii-font-family: Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family: “Times New Roman”; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family: Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: “Times New Roman”; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi; mso-style-priority: 99; mso-style-noshow: yes; mso-style-name: “Table Normal”; mso-tstyle-rowband-size: 0; mso-tstyle-colband-size: 0; mso-padding-alt: 0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin: 0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom: .0001pt } Stay up-to-date with the latest commercial property news all in one place. Subscribe to the Australian Property Review, powered by RP Data for only $1.90 a week and receive a weekly newsletter that includes Auction Results, Deals of the Week, Retail News, Leasing Deals and an Industry Market Update. Click here to find out more information.

Property Investment March 2011


Weekly Property Pulse Professional Edition

This week's edition covers:

Check out the new improvements to RP Professional

Industry Market Wrap
Quarterly Review December 2010
Article: Proportion of expensive sales climb sharply since the GFC
Commercial: Strong attendance at Bay Street auction
Research Blog: What's in store for Darwin?

Check out the new improvements to RP Professional
Thanks to the welcome feedback from our users, we’ve added new and improved features for our RP Professional Property System. Here are a few of the tools we’ve developed to help improve your property searching experience:

Improved reports
We’ve added more options to our Market Compare, Rental Comparison and Sales History reports, to help you make straightforward comparisons between properties. Get the information you want, clearly presented for easy analysis. You can also print your findings at the touch of a button, for when you want to share your search results without having to assemble a full report.

Improved Reports

CMA panel
It’s now easier than ever to generate a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) Report from RP Professional. Just use this button on the front page to be taken straight to the report builder and generate the reports you want without having to navigate a series of menus first. We’ve also added new presentation options to the reports, allowing for even more customisation to your personal specifications.


Try RP Professional today and experience an easier, faster and smarter property system. There is no extra cost for RP Professsional.

Check out our help videos or attend an e-training session to learn more! Read our brochure for more information.

Industry Market Wrap
The RP Data-Rismark Home Value Index results for January 2011 are released next week. Due to the seasonally low volume of sales recorded during January, the results typically do not provide the greatest insight into the state of the market. Nevertheless, we anticipate that the results will be at best quite flat for the month following on from the December quarter where capital city values increased by just 0.4%.

On Tuesday next week the Reserve Bank will hold their March board meeting. The expectation is that official interest rates will remain on hold at 4.75%. The rhetoric coming out of the RBA during recent weeks suggests that the Bank believes interest rates are at an appropriate setting for the time being. As at the 22 February 2011 the interest rate futures market was not pricing in a further 25 basis point increase to official interest rates until February 2012. Importantly, most economists anticipate that the RBA will need to lift rates much earlier than this with some suggesting a rate hike is a possibility as early as May of this year.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released their quarterly Labour Price Index for December 2010 this week. During the quarter, labour prices increased by 1.0% after increasing by 1.1% during the previous quarter. Over the 12 months to December 2010 wages have increased by 3.9% which is the strongest annual growth since the 12 months to March 2009. The result shows that wages grew at a faster rate during the year than core inflation (2.7%). Considering that migration numbers have been cut to around 170,000 persons annually and that the unemployment rate is already sitting at 5.0% and expected to decline further, it appears that the cost of labour is set to increase further during the coming quarters. If wages continue to increase at or above their current rate it could lead to growing inflationary pressure. Given this, we expect that the RBA will keep a close eye on wage growth during the coming months and it will be an important consideration for their interest rate decisions.

Advertised Stock on the Market
Weekly listings
The number of new properties advertised for sale has increased sharply this week, up 8.9%. The number of new property advertisements is now 4.1% higher than at the same time last year and 12.9% higher than the 12 month average. With new advertisements increasing sharply, total advertisements have also increased over the last week, although at a much lower rate, up by 3.5%. Total property advertisements are 19.4% higher than they were at the same time last year and 11.4% higher than the 12 month average.

What's for sale in your area?  Where are the local hotspots?  Who's doing the selling?  For all these answers and more, click here or phone 1300 734 318 to get a free two-week trial of RP Data's On The Market®.

Latest National Auction Clearance Rates
Clearance RatesAcross the combined capital cities the weighted average auction clearance rate increased from 51.7% the previous week to 55.2% last week. Last week's clearance rate was the strongest across the combined capital cities since the week ending 24 October 2010. The volume of auctions taking place was also quite strong with more than 1,500 capital city auctions during the week. In Melbourne, auction clearance rates remained stable over the week at 59.7% and in Sydney clearance rates fell to 58.2% from 61.7% the previous week.

Keep track of your area's weekly changes in auction results with our Auction Results panel, found on the top right corner of the home page.

Number of Properties Advertised for Rent
Rental ListingsThe number of newly advertised properties for rent fell by -2.6% last week and new advertisements are at fairly similar levels to those recorded at the same time last year. Total rental advertisements also fell by -2.6% last week however, they are 2.3% higher than at the same time last year.

Quarterly Review December 2010
The December 2010 quarter has seen the slowdown within the residential property market continue at a time when Australian economic conditions are generally quite positive. Capital gains in the housing market have been virtually flat, having evaporated after 17 months of consistent capital gains between January 2009 and May 2010.

RP Data Quarterly Reviews are prepared by our dedicated Research team using the most accurate and up to date data to give our customers an exclusive analysis of changes in the property market.

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Article: Proportion of expensive sales climb sharply since the GFC

During the final quarter of 2008, capital city dwelling sales in excess of $500,000 accounted for around 28% of all sales, over the final quarter of 2010, 46% of all sales were at prices above $500,000.

Across the combined capital cities, there has been a surge in activity for more expensive properties since Australia began to rebound out of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). During the final quarter of 2008, which was also the most recent low in capital city home values, 72.2% of all sales were at prices below $500,000. During the final quarter of 2010, only 54.4% of sales were at prices below $500,000.

Read the full article…
Commercial: Strong attendance at Bay Street auction
A fully leased retail property in Port Melbourne, Victoria, has been sold at auction on a tight yield by agents of Fitzroys.

 The property at 187 Bay
Street, Port Melbourne, was sold with a new lease in place to The Noodle Box at an auction attended by more than 100 people.The property at 187 Bay Street, Port Melbourne, was sold with a new lease in place to The Noodle Box at an auction attended by more than 100 people.

Fitzroys agents, Geoff and Charles Emmett, marketed the property, which achieved a final selling price of $1.555 million.

The new ten-year lease at a rate of approximately $60,000 per annum gave the sale a tight yield of approximately 3.87%.

According to the agents, the sale of the 85 sqm shop generated what is potentially the lowest strip retail passing yield recorded for strata premises in the past few years.

“The offering provided investors with the security of an exceptionally long lease to a highly-regarded national retailer with the opportunity to capture rental upside in year five of the lease via the mid-term market rent review,” said Mr Emmett.

Stay up-to-date with the latest commercial property news all in one place. Subscribe to the Australian Property Review, powered by RP Data for only $1.90 a week and receive a weekly newsletter that includes Auction Results, Deals of the Week, Retail News, Leasing Deals and an Industry Market Update. Click here to find out more information.

Research Blog: What's in store for Darwin?
Capital gains within the Darwin housing market have been outperforming the broader capital city average since early 2004. Over the last ten years the growth rate has averaged 12.7% per annum which is well above the combined capital city average of 9.2%. Over five years the average rate of growth is even higher at 13.0% per annum compared with the broader benchmark growth rate of 6.8% across the capitals.

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